Real Name: Nicolette Emerson

Legal Occupation: United States Army Ranger

Identity: Secret

Other aliases: None

Place of Birth:  New Orleans, Louisiana

Marital Status: Divorced

Group Affiliation: NA

Base of Operations: Fort Bragg, North Carolina

Height: 5’7”

Weight: 125lbs

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Black



Power and Strength: Starbomb has been granted the mysterious cosmic power that underpins the entire universe. Her strength levels are staggering, she is capable of lifting (pressing) in excess of 25 tons In addition, Starbomb has been endowed with the ability to transform the molecular composition of matter.

Known Superhuman Powers: Technically her superpower is the Starbomb itself, the destructive energy meant to assassinate her son. By drawing on the power to a limited degree Nicolette Emerson can alter time, travel through space, and defy gravity among other things.

Other Abilities: Starbomb can alter the orbital trajectory of a small star.